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 I do not conduct training in process improvement tools alone; without special knowledge of leadership excellence, that creates an environment where people are motivated to learn and apply the philosphy, and have joy in their work. No amount of training in improvement tools alone will create success.

Interestingly, the USA invented statistical process control and used it very effectively during the war production, but after WWII the USA migrated to a “Taylorism” and “Skinnerianism” style of leadership, while the Japanese adapted the teachings of W. Edwards Deming, which included statistical process control. Hence the birth of the Japanese manufacturing industry, which has affected the world over ever since.

Heero Hacquebord teaches a new style of leadership, that does not seek salvation in fixing people, but in employing the right people to start off with, and then equipping them with knowledge. Educated and knowledgeable leaders should use their authority to mentor and coach their people and create an environment for motivation and success. Leadership through edict does not result in long lasting change or improvement, nor does it create an environment for joy in work. Heero therefore teaches his clients in:

  1. Systems Thinking and Leadership

Understanding of and appreciation of the organization as a system. An organization can not manage itself. It must be managed. How should you design and manage your organizational systems and processes. The leader’s job is to optimize the organization by getting all its components working together towards accomplishment of the organization’s aim. The way the leader views his or her organization is the key to how he or she will lead it.

2.  Understanding variation

​This module teaches where  variation comes from, the causes and types of variation, and why it is important to analyze data in such a way as to recognize these types of variation, so that the correct action can be taken. Management action has to be based on science and knowledge. Intuition will not suffice. Incorrect action resultng from incorrect conclusions from data, will cause poor performance and demoralization of employees.

3. Understanding organizational psychology and motivation of people

People are different from one another. We need to understand and manage these differences. Fear in an organization produces fudged figures and poor performance. Management by intimidation and fear will result in loss of revenue. There is a difference between motivation and activation. Activated people do their work because of the consequences they face if they don't. Motivated people do their work because they like to and have joy in what they are doing.

4. Understanding and applying knowledge-based leadership

There is no substitute for knowledge. All people decide what to do based on what they believe to be true. A common set of appropriate beliefs is necessary to lead effectively and improve performance.

5. Business Improvement Tools

The purpose is to create performance improvement by improving organizational systems, processes and metrics.

This training focuses on methods and statistical thinking tools to improve business processes and outcomes. Participants learn how to make their business systems and processes visible through the use of our proprietary process mapping techniques; and how to create lean and efficient processes through these applications. We show how management can use these techniques to understand and improve the linkages between their business systems and to enhance inter- and intra-process co-ordination. Participants have access to our propietory statistical software that analyzes business data and metrics to guide decisionmaking that fosters improvements.

© 2018 by Heero Hacquebord. Business Consulting

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